Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Today I am working on Ethane C2H6 which is basically like Methane's older brother. Here is a photo of the model.
Here a re five fun facts about Ethane.
1.Ethane is made by refining Petroleum.
2. Ethane has a melting point of -297.4°F
3.Ethane has a boiling point of -128.2°F
4.Ethane like Methane is a colorless odorless gas at standard temperature and pressure.
5.Ethane is also very flammable.  


  1. Good job coding the subscript on the chemical formula.

  2. You had better not make propane your next model. That would be way too predictable. But seriously, good work.

  3. Saturn's moon Titan, has lakes and oceans of hydrocarbons, mostly ethane, with some methane and propane mixed in, and it snows benzene. The total hydrocarbons on Titan are estimated to be 300 times larger than earth's total petroleum reserves.

  4. Thanks. I think I'm going to do Butane tomorrow, then propane on Friday.
