Friday, March 4, 2016


Hello everyone. Today I made Ethyne or Acetylene C2H2. This is the smallest of the alkyne group. Methyne could not exist because all alkynes have triple carbon bonds and you ant have a triple carbon bond on one carbon molecule. Here is a picture of Acetylene and some facts about it.
1. Classification alkyne
2. It is the smallest alkyne.
3. Ethyne is used as a fuel in blow lamps for melting and welding metals.


  1. Here is something you might find interesting. Are you familiar with "buckminsterfullerene"? It is C60, and it has an interesting structure. This video explains a lot about it, and it also shows a model of it,like the ones you are making. Actually all of the "Periodic Videos" are great.

    1. Thank you for sharing that video praphu it was very interesting and cool.
